We follow them, so you don't have to As read on twitter
Mr Obama's up early - making everyone pancakes. One wouldactually prefer a bacon sandwich but one doesn't like to bedifficult. (Spoof account for Queen Elizabeth II)
BBC LATEST: Prince Andrew sparks row as he greets Pres. Obamawearing Confederate Uniform. (Danny Baker, comedian)
I just hugged President Obama after his speech in WestminsterHall. Thanked him for giving hope to children of the world. What amoment! (Floella Benjamin, actress and Lib Dem peer)
Cameron and Obama were behind the grill dishing out food at theNo.10 BBQ. Think I saw Clegg collecting paper plates and mopping upsick (Chris Ramsey, comedian)
So, on Gary McKinnon, would Obama's "respect" for British justicereally extend to a refusal to extradite? (Christopher Meyer, formerBritish ambassador to the United States)
I don't think I can stand another damned panel about whether theInternet is killing papers. Kill me now #eg8 (Jeff Jarvis, mediacommentator)
With all the in football, I'm surprised a bunch of em don't gettogether&vanity publish a newspaper exposing journos who shagaround. (Dave Gorman, comedian)
TravelSupermarket, MoneySuperInjunctionMarket...(Omid Djalili,comedian)
Facebook-mad couple named their daughter 'Like'. And weirdly ifyou remove the word 'Facebook' from that sentence then it makes moresense. (Jimmy Carr, comedian)
Watershed moment. The Today programme is discussing the Only WayIs Essex. (Richard Bacon, broadcaster)
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